――A Hidden Love
Hero----Park Yi
The woman is Hye-young, a young Korean artist who paints portraits in the city square, while dreaming of one day holding a solo exhibition of her works. She is a stranger in this city, and Hye-young's only source of strength is the memory of her first love.
A man (Park Yi) with a cold soul who smells of gunpowder has loved Hye-young when he saw her for the first time.
Then she meets a new man - well, almost meets him. She never really sees his face, but after giving him a drawing of a daisy, he responds by having a pot of daisies delivered to her door every day.
The original ending of this movie is that the Heroine died in a shoot-out, because she tried to protect her hidden lover Park Yi who was in her heart all the time but she discovered her love at the end of her life. The original story is a tragedy that accompanying with a romantic love, but I try to transform its woeful ending into a happy and perfect finale of this romantic love between the hero and heroine.
It is autumn in Amsterdam. The story begins in a café…
The man looks at his watch and rushes out of the café after saying to the woman “I will be back soon, please waiting for me.”
The woman says to herself “From the first day I received a pot of daisies, I have got quite used to wait for everything.”
A moment later…
Yi is back to the café, and brings a pot of daisies to the woman. Because he knows she likes the daisy.
The woman knows Yi is falling in love with her, but she still waits for someone. So she tells him a story about her first love: “I have fallen in love with someone, although I have never met him before. He has built a beautiful bridge for me and he gives me a pot of daisies as the most beautiful present everyday. He is the man who I am waiting for, and I will wait for him until the appearance of him. So I am happy to make friends with you.”
Yi keeps silence after she says. Yi knows Jeong Woo has been died, though she still loves him. “She makes a mistake, and she does not know that I am the only man who gives her a pot of daisies everyday, I am the only man who has built a bridge for her.” He says to himself in his heart, “but I can not tell her, because I am a killer, I do not want to hurt her, I do not want to destroy her beautiful love, and I do not want to kill our friendship any more.”
Hye-young looks at him, “If I can not fall in love with you, are you still glad to make friends with me?”
“Yes, if only can look at you at your side, I'd appreciate it.” Yi whispered the words to her.
“Thanks Yi, thank you for accompanying me all along.” Hye-young says to Yi with a appreciative voice.
After one year…
Jeong Woo had died for one year, and after he died, Park Yi always stays at Hye-young’s side not only to take care of her, but to amuse her happy every day.
Today is Jeong Woo’s death anniversary, so Hye-young goes to visit him with his boss. His boss tells her there is no progress of Woo’s case, but he can only make sure the killer liked classical music because the classical music was always playing in Woo’s car when he died, but he did not like classical music at all. Suddenly, Hye-young feels a little bit strange, but she can not give mouth to where the strange feeling is existent.
One hour later, Hye-young comes to Yi’s house, and she finds out that a classical music is playing in the radio, then she finds a gun, Woo’s picture and a newspaper on the date of Woo’s death in a secret place. She takes them to see Yi, and wants to listen to his explanation. However, Yi does not say anything to her, and just keeps silence.
Hye-young is heartstricken, and she cries and shouts so loudly, “Why? Why do you pretend to be innocent? Why don’t you tell me the truth? ” She says to him with a gun. But at this moment, Yi just repeats a sentence “you will know about all truths tomorrow”. (Because of the over-excited sentiment, after Yi’s saying, she has slipped off her chair on to the floor in a sudden faint.)
The next day, when she wakes up, she catches sight of a painting and a card on the table. This painting of daisy was painted by herself, and she has sent it to the man who built a bridge for her as a gift. “Why does this painting lie on my table?” She is wondering about that. Then she stands up immediately and comes near to the table.
“I am sorry, I have hidden so many truths to you, because the more truths you know, the more danger you get. From long ago, I have lived in a world that filling with death and violence. I should not come to so close to you at first, I am fool…Originally, I thought if I could hide the truth, I would protect you, but now I hurt you deeper than before…Hye-young, thank you for staying with you, thank you for so many happy time you bring to me, I will remember you forever. I return this painting of daisy to you although I like it so much, and I wish you can forget so much heartrending memories, wish you can find a man who is worthy to accept this painting and accept your love, and wish you have a happy life…Please trust me, I will be good in future. Goodbye my love…”
After reading these words, Hye-young is sure that she has found her lover, Yi is just the man who she has always waited for. Then she takes the painting to the garden which is filled with her beautiful memory of daisy, because she thinks about Yi will be wait for her in the daisy garden. However, she does not see anyone in the garden when she reaches there, at the moment an idea suddenly comes upon her that Yi must be on the square where they met each other for the first time. She runs to the square with carrying the daisy painting. When she arrives, she cries around the square and she believes Yi can look at her, he can know her…
She says loudly, “Please look at this painting, please look at me. I know you are here now, and I know what you are going to do next, please stop, please stop…” That’s right, Hye-young knows Yi is going to kill someone today, because she found the gun disappeared when she woke up this morning. She still cries, “I am sorry, I am sorry I have not recognized you for such a long time, but I know now, I know you are the only man who I am always waiting for…” At the same time, Park Yi is in a small room of a building on the square. (Because he intends to kill a man, then give himself a result with suicide.)Just liking what Hye-young guesses, he is so close to her. But he hesitates if he should put the gun down and appear in front of her.
At exactly that moment, because of her weakness and sadness, Hye-young has fell into a dead faint again. Seeing of that, Yi is running to her with throwing caution to the winds. He carries her in his arm and says sorry to her with his sincerely love, “I am sorry, dear, now I am here, I am here at your side, please wake up, please don’t scare me…” He is in tears over he has hurt his lover. “I am sorry because I hurt you, I am sorry because I could not rescue Jeong Woo when he was shotted by someone, I am sorry because I can not give you a beautiful love and happiness forever, I am sorry because I love you…”
Several days past…
In a ward, a pot of some fresh daisies is on the table, and Yi is at Hye-young’s side with happiness. At this moment, they are painting a new picture of the pot of daisies on the table…

Hi Jocelyn,
I do not know this movie, so I know nothing about the actor and the actress. In fact, I have never seen Korean movies. But I like your story. The setting is good too.
Now I will figure it out. They are in the ordinary world where they are just friends. Then hearing the classical music in Yi’s house is the call to adventure, and she does not refuse the call (because she tries seeing him to ask the reason why he has killed Jeong Woo). And reading Yi’s letter (?) is crossing the first threshold. When Hye-young realises that she loves Yi, it might mean that to approach the innermost cave. Then she notices that Yi will kill somebody; it is the supreme ordeal. But she can stop him because she confesses that she loves him, and it is the possession of reward. Finally, they become a boyfriend and a girlfriend: returning with the elixir.
Although I do not know this story, I enjoy reading your story. Have a good holiday :-)
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